*This is a pre-order, you will get your Elf box the last days of October 2024*
The Elfie Box for 2 kids is a great option if you have 2 kids, because it contains more materials for those activities that are designed for one kid or Elf at a time.
Introducing "The Elfie Box" – One-of-a-kind experience that brings the beloved Christmas holiday tradition to life. We believe in creating magical moments that are not just mischievous, but also educational, creative, and foster family bonding.
What is the difference between "The Elfie Box" and "The Elfie Box for 2 Kids"?
The 2 Kids option box comes in the same box and in the same activity bag but with extra materials inside.
Do all activities come double?
No, all of them come with enough materials for two, but no all of them have 2 elements.
What is on The Elf Box?
- 25 activities with materials categorized by Family, Funny and Elf activities.
- 25 Elf ENGLISH AND SPANISH printed Activity Cards to decorate each activity of the day.
- A wood stand for cards.
- Detailed and comprehensive digital guide including pictures and setup process for each mischief.
- Printable letters for welcome day, give to receive and good bye activities.
Let Elfie, the wonderful elf, be your guide through a holiday season filled with joy, togetherness, and the magic of Christmas. Don't miss out on this opportunity to create cherished memories.
From engaging crafts to educational experiences, "The Elfie Box" offers a unique blend of fun and learning. Each activity is designed to promote creativity, problem-solving skills, and encourage family sharing. "The Elfie Box" guarantees laughter, learning, and unforgettable moments.
At Coloring Minds we believe on learn trough playing, for that reason our children will play every day and learn with the activities.
*The activities included in The Elfie Box may vary from the ones shown in the pictures.
Copyright Coloring Minds LLC 2022. For personal use only, not intended for resale or distribution.
Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability: In no event shall Sensationally OT be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special, or consequential damages whatsoever arising out of or connected with the use or misuse of any products purchased herein. You agree and acknowledge that any product should be used at your own risk and you should assess the risks individual to your children before purchasing or using any product with your children. Our products contain small parts and are not recommended for use of children under the age of 3 years and any use of this product must be under the supervision of an adult. In no event should you allow your children to use this product unattended, as it may present a health and/or a choking hazard. The content found on sensationallyot.com or our products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician (or children’s physician) or qualified provider you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.